How to Turn on Noise Cancellation on AirPods Pro?

Airpods Pro in a black background

 Apple’s AirPods Pro have changed the wireless earbud market, offering a seamless blend of cutting-edge technology and stylish design. Released as an upgrade to the original AirPods, the Pro model has a range of additional capabilities that appeal to the demands of today’s tech-savvy consumers.

1. Key Features of AirPods Pro

1.1. Active Noise Cancellation

The main feature of AirPods Pro is their active noise cancellation (ANC) functionality. Unlike their predecessors, these earbuds can intelligently adjust to your environment, offering an immersive music experience by minimizing external noise.

1.2. Customizable Fit

AirPods Pro comes with three different sizes of silicone ear tips, offering a comfortable and secure fit for varied ear shapes. This not only promotes comfort during extended use but also plays a significant role in the efficacy of noise cancellation.

1.3. Transparency Mode

In addition to noise reduction, AirPods Pro includes Transparency Mode, allowing users to selectively tune in to ambient noises. This feature is particularly beneficial in instances where awareness of your surroundings is vital.

1.4. Adaptive EQ and Audio Performance

Equipped with adaptive EQ, AirPods Pro automatically customizes the low- and mid-frequencies of the music to the shape of your ear, giving a rich and immersive listening experience. The high-excursion, low-distortion speaker drivers contribute to the superb audio quality.

2. Benefits of Noise Cancellation on AirPods Pro

AirPods Pro on reflecting glass

2.1. Immersive Listening

Noise cancellation on AirPods Pro allows users to immerse themselves entirely in their music, podcasts, or calls without the interruption of extraneous distractions. This heightened aural experience promotes overall enjoyment and engagement.

2.2. Increased Productivity

For individuals working in hectic workplaces, the ability to shut out ambient noise can greatly boost productivity. AirPods Pro establishes a personal sound oasis, helping users to concentrate on work without being interrupted by the surrounding noise and bustle.

2.3. Enhanced Call Quality

Noise cancellation extends beyond entertainment; it plays a significant function in boosting call quality. By eliminating background noise, AirPods Pro ensures that your voice comes through crystal clear, even in noisy surroundings.

Let’s explore the step-by-step process of activating the noise cancellation feature on our AirPods Pro and showing the full potential of these groundbreaking wireless earbuds.

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Do noise-canceling headphones protect hearing?

3. Understanding the AirPods Pro Controls

AirPods Pro with a mobile phone

Understanding these controls is key for successfully controlling your AirPods Pro and getting the most out of its features. Now, let’s understand the controls of the Airpods Pro.

3.1. Locate the Force Sensor

At the core of the AirPods Pro controls lies the clever Force Sensor, a small, touch-sensitive region on the stem of each earbud. This sensor responds to numerous movements, providing a convenient and straightforward method to interact with your AirPods Pro.

3.2. Single, Double, and Triple Press Actions

Mastering the art of tapping on the Force Sensor enables a range of features that go beyond just altering the volume. Here’s a breakdown of the primary single, double, and triple press actions:

3.2.1. Single Press: Play/Pause or Answer/End Calls

A single press on the Force Sensor can be utilized to play or pause audio playing. During incoming calls, a single press also allows you to answer or end the call easily.

3.2.2. Double Press: Skip Forward

Execute a double press to skip to the next track in your playlist. This feature is ideal for swiftly moving through tracks without having to reach for your device.

3.2.3. Triple Press: Skip Backward

Conversely, a triple press permits you to skip back to the previous track. This gives a full control system right at your fingertips, boosting the overall user experience.

It’s advisable to familiarize yourself with these controls before attempting to engage in noise cancellation. Because accidental taps can often lead to unexpected behaviors, a clear knowledge of the Force Sensor’s operation is vital to a flawless experience.

Also Read:

Learn the Difference Between Noise Isolation vs. Noise Cancellation – YDDHub

4. How to Turn on Noise Cancellation on AirPods Pro?

AirPods Pro with a mobile phone on a red background

Enabling noise cancellation on your AirPods Pro is a straightforward operation, boosting your listening experience by creating a serene acoustic environment. Whether you’re immersing yourself in music or attempting to focus in a busy location, the noise cancellation feature proves to be an essential feature of your AirPods Pro toolset. let’s dig into the step-by-step process of activating the game-changing noise-canceling feature.

4.1. Ensure AirPods Pro are Connected to Your Device

Before you commence on the voyage of filtering out the external noise, confirm that your AirPods Pro are successfully linked to the device you plan to use. This can be your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or even an Android device, as AirPods Pro are meant to easily interface with a multitude of platforms.

4.2. Use the Control Center on iOS Devices

4.2.1. Open Control Center

On your iOS device, swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen to open the Control Center.

4.2.2. Press and Hold the Volume Slider

Locate the volume slider within the Control Center. Press and hold on to the volume slider to see more controls.

4.2.3. Toggle Noise Cancellation

A new window will emerge, presenting numerous audio controls. Look for the Noise Cancellation icon (depicted by earbuds) and press to enable or disable noise cancellation.

4.3. Use the Bluetooth Menu on Android Devices

4.3.1. Access Bluetooth Settings

On your Android device, navigate to the Bluetooth settings. This can normally be located in the device settings menu.

4.3.2. Select AirPods Pro

Within the Bluetooth settings, locate and choose your AirPods Pro from the list of accessible devices.

4.3.3. Toggle Noise Cancellation

After picking AirPods Pro, you should see additional options. Look for the Noise Cancellation toggle and switch it on to activate this feature.


Can You Turn Off Noise Cancellation on AirPods Pro? – Mastering Audio Freedom


5. Activating Noise Cancellation with Siri

AirPods Pro with package that named as AirPods Pro

In the area of hands-free ease, Siri appears as a powerful ally in controlling your AirPods Pro noise cancellation settings. Here’s how you can effortlessly use the power of voice commands to toggle noise canceling.

5.1. Ensure Siri is Enabled

Before going into voice-activated commands, check sure Siri is enabled on your smartphone. On iOS devices, navigate to Settings > Siri & Search, and check that Siri is turned on.

5.2. Use Voice Commands to Enable Noise Cancellation

5.2.1. Summon Siri 

Activate Siri by saying, “Hey Siri” or pressing and holding the side button or saying “Hey Siri” if your AirPods Pro is set to respond to this wake word.

5.2.2. Voice Command for Noise Cancellation

Once Siri is engaged, simply say, “Turn on noise cancellation” or “Enable noise cancellation.”

5.2.3. Confirmation and Adjustment

Siri will authenticate the process, and your AirPods Pro will automatically convert to noise-canceling mode. If you desire to turn it off later, you can use a similar command like “Turn off noise cancellation.”

The integration of Siri with AirPods Pro adds a layer of hands-free simplicity to your noise-canceling experience. It’s an especially handy feature when you’re on the move and need to make quick adjustments without reaching for your device.

Read More:

What is Active Noise Canceling (ANC)? Click Here.

6. Tips for Optimizing Noise Cancellation

AirPods Pro with 6 ear tips

Now that you’ve mastered the art of activating noise cancellation on your AirPods Pro, let’s look at some pro tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of this game-changing feature.

6.1. Properly Fit AirPods Pro in Your Ears

6.1.1. Select the Right Ear Tips

AirPods Pro comes with three different sizes of silicone ear tips. Experiment with each size to discover the one that gives the optimum seal and comfort for your ears. A correct fit is vital for efficient noise canceling.

6.1.2. Perform the Ear Tip Fit Test

Take advantage of the Ear Tip Fit Test feature on your iOS smartphone. This test helps evaluate if the ear tips are providing a satisfactory seal. If not, the test will encourage you to adjust or try an alternative ear tip size.

6.2. Adjust Ear Tip Size for a Secure Fit

6.2.1. Ensure a Snug Fit

A secure fit not only promotes comfort but also plays a crucial role in the efficacy of noise cancellation. Check often to ensure that the AirPods Pro is firmly in your ears, ensuring an airtight seal.

6.2.2. Experiment with Different Sizes

Don’t hesitate to experiment with different ear tip sizes to achieve the perfect balance of comfort and noise isolation. The appropriate fit can make a substantial impact on the overall performance of noise canceling.

6.3. Test Noise Cancellation in Different Environments

6.3.1. Adapt to Your Surroundings

Noise cancellation is meant to adapt to varied surroundings. Take the opportunity to test the feature in different environments like a busy metropolitan street, a quiet room, or a crowded coffee shop. This guarantees that your AirPods Pro are effectively personalizing the noise cancellation levels.

6.3.2. Use Transparency Mode When Needed

Transparency Mode, which lets in ambient sounds, can be advantageous in instances where awareness of your surroundings is vital. Activate this mode when strolling on busy streets or engaging in conversations without removing your AirPods Pro.

Full Guide:

How to Fix Noise Cancelling on AirPods Pro: To Restoring the Full Potential

7. Troubleshooting Common Issues

AirPods Pro on a palm

Encountering issues with your AirPods Pro? Don’t worry! this troubleshooting guide is here to uncover common errors and get your wireless earphones back on track.

7.1. Ensure AirPods Pro Firmware is Up to Date

7.1.1. Check Firmware Version

Keeping your AirPods Pro firmware up to date is critical for optimal performance. Ensure that your earphones are running the latest software by navigating to Settings > General > About > AirPods Pro on your iOS device.

7.1.2. Update Firmware

If an update is available, follow the steps to install it. This can address software-related issues and offer updates to your AirPods Pro functionality.

7.2. Reset AirPods Pro Settings

7.2.1. Perform a Soft Reset

A soft reset can remedy small issues. To perform a soft reset, detach your AirPods Pro from your device, place them in the charging case, and close the lid. After a few seconds, reopen the lid and reconnect to your smartphone.

7.2.2. Reset All Settings

For more persistent troubles, you might try resetting all settings on your iOS device. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings. Note that this will reset several settings on your device to their default sets.

7.3. Contact Apple Support for Further Assistance

7.3.1. Reach Out for Expert Help

If troubleshooting on your own doesn’t address the issue, it’s smart to contact Apple Support. Visit the official Apple Support website or arrange an appointment at an Apple Store for specialized assistance.

7.3.2. Warranty and Repair Services

AirPods Pro are backed by Apple’s limited warranty. If your earbuds are still under warranty and having hardware issues, Apple may provide repair or replacement services.


In the field of wireless audio perfection, the AirPods Pro have established themselves as more than simply earbuds. They are a portal to immersive sound, seamless communication, and unique capabilities. As we end our tour through the complexity of noise suppression and control customization, let’s recap the major lessons.

Mastering Controls: Understanding the Force Sensor controls is the gateway to releasing the full power of your AirPods Pro. From playing and pausing to skipping music, the Force Sensor is your touch-sensitive command center.

Enabling Noise Cancellation: Whether you prefer the tactile controls or the hands-free comfort of Siri, activating noise cancellation on your AirPods Pro is a straightforward process. Dive into the settings and personalize your aural experience to your preference.

As you begin your trip with the AirPods Pro, know that the pursuit of sound quality is a dynamic adventure. keep connected, keep informed, and continue enjoying the unique feeling that these wireless earbuds deliver to your everyday life. Until next time, happy listening!

Q&A: How to Turn on Noise Cancellation on AirPods Pro?

AirPods Pro on a mobile phone

Q1: Can I adjust the level of noise cancellation on AirPods Pro?

While AirPods Pro doesn’t have manual options for modifying noise reduction levels, they are designed to adapt to your environment automatically. This adaptive feature ensures an appropriate balance between noise suppression and awareness of your environment.

Q2: What is Transparency Mode, and how does it work?

Transparency Mode on AirPods Pro allows ambient noises to flow through, offering awareness of your surroundings. To engage Transparency Mode, press and hold the Force Sensor or use voice instructions with Siri.

Q3: Can I use noise cancellation during phone calls?

Yes, noise cancellation is active during phone calls using AirPods Pro. It helps minimize background noise, providing clear and focused communication in varied contexts.

Q4: How can I check if the noise cancellation is working effectively?

Apple provides an Ear Tip Fit Test to verify you have the right-sized ear tips for a proper seal. Additionally, test noise cancellation in diverse contexts to experience its adaptive nature, shutting out undesirable noise effectively.

Q5: Is it possible to turn on noise canceling using voice commands?

Yes! If Siri is enabled on your device, you can use voice commands like “Hey Siri, turn on noise cancellation” to activate this feature hands-free.

Q6: What should I do if I suffer connectivity troubles with noise cancellation?

If you notice connectivity troubles, try resetting your AirPods Pro settings. Disconnect them from your device, place them in the charging case, and then reopen the top to reconnect. This often overcomes small issues.

Q7: Are there any specific guidelines for employing noise cancellation in outdoor environments?

When using AirPods Pro outside, maintain a secure fit with the right-sized ear tips. Experiment with Transparency Mode to keep awareness of traffic or other environmental sounds for a safer experience.

Q8: Can I adjust the controls for noise canceling on AirPods Pro?

While you can’t tweak particular parameters for noise canceling, mastering the Force Sensor allows you to change between modes simply. Experiment with single, double, and triple presses to navigate across various functions.

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